Benefits of Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery offers an option for women who have overly large breasts that cause back pain and limit physical activity. Breast reduction, or reduction mammoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that can reduce the size of breasts to create a more satisfying silhouette, boost a patient’s confidence and help to alleviate pain. Breast reduction is a relatively affordable procedure, and in some cases covered by medical insurance. The procedure has many benefits to women, above all, a greater satisfaction with the appearance of her breasts and body. For patients who wish to further enhance their appearance, breast reduction surgery can often be combined with other procedures such as breast lift and abdominoplasty.

Common Reasons Women Choose to Reduce the Size of Their Breasts

  • Back, neck, and shoulder pain
  • Problems with posture
  • Self-consciousness regarding breast size
  • Clothing doesn’t fit properly
  • General malaise
  • Disinterest in physical activity due to large breast size
  • Skin problems caused by friction and sweat between and under breasts
  • Breathing problems caused by weight of breasts
  • Uncomfortable with unwanted attention large breasted women often receive

Major Advantages of Breast Reduction Surgery

  • During surgery, a significant amount of tissue is removed from the breasts, which lessens the strain placed on the neck and back
  • Breasts appear smaller, firmer, and reshaped
  • Skin problems caused between and under the breasts from sweat and friction are often alleviated post-op
  • Most patients report a significant increase in self-confidence
  • Most patients report an overall improvement in the way they feel about their body image
  • Clothes will fit better
  • Participation in physical activities increases in many patients
  • Overall physical health improves in many patients

Considering Breast Reduction? Consult Dr. Sanjay Lalla in New Jersey

Ready to explore plastic surgery for the first time? Take the first step – contact us today with any questions you may have about the breast reduction procedure. To schedule your plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Sanjay Lalla, call our West Orange office at 973-324-9455 or our Jersey City office at 201-763-6764. We look forward to hearing from you.
