How CoolSculpting can improve body contours without surgery

iStock 497572159Hours at the gym every day doesn’t mean that you’ll get the results you want—especially when we’re talking about trouble spots of the body such as the midsection. Even with time on the treadmill and a focus on nutritional eating in the kitchen, many men and women still struggle with the presence of stubborn fat in the tummy area. While liposuction is a great way to manually remove fat from a specific area of the body to sculpt it, it is not the only way. Thanks to advances in the field of medicine, we now have other ways to target this unwanted fat without surgery, and that is with CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting is a revolutionary way for a patient to address fat and improve body contours without surgical intervention, and instead with a process known as cryolipolysis. 

How does CoolSculpting work? 

CoolSculpting is an FDA-cleared device that has been used by thousands of people to target their midsection area to improve their body contours and reduce unwanted fat. This method of treatment uses a specialized machine that is responsible for essentially “freezing” unwanted fat from the body. This allows for the fat cells targeted to be naturally flushed through the body with the lymphatic system. The result? A thinner body, less circumference, and more confidence without the expense and invasiveness of plastic surgery. 

Who is a good candidate for CoolSculpting? 

During a consultation visit with Dr. Sanjay Lalla of West Orange, NJ, patients can discuss with our doctor whether or not CoolSculpting would be beneficial to them. An assessment and initial evaluation is needed to decide if a patient is a good fit. The best candidates for this treatment are adult patients who are within their ideal weight range and need to address unwanted fat to improve contours. 

Call Dr. Sanjay Lalla today! 

If you are seeking a board-certified plastic surgeon in the area of West Orange, NJ and are ready to speak with our team of professionals, call the office at (973) 324-9455 to make an appointment. Our facility is located in Suite #102 at 383 Northfield Avenue and accepts new and returning patients. Learn more about CoolSculpting and find out if you are a viable candidate.    
