Liposuction. It’s a procedure that most people have heard of, and many have considered. We’ve learned enough over the years to realize that, while good for health and overall wellness, diet and exercise don’t always help us attain the kind of physique we envision for ourselves. This becomes even more relevant as we approach middle age. Instead of living in a constant state of frustration, it’s possible to regain not only a more streamlined silhouette but also tighter skin. We are pleased to offer the benefits of Lipotherme laser liposuction to patients of our New Jersey offices.
What is Lipotherme all about?
Lipotherme is a liposuction technique that improves the overall process of fat reduction by treating fat cells to a controlled dose of heat before extraction. The reaction that occurs under heated conditions is the dissolution of fatty content within the cells. This advancement in the traditional liposuction procedure enables patients to achieve outstanding results in a more conservative manner. Why? Because fat cells that are soft and pliable are easier to remove than those that are filled to the brim with thick lipids.
The minimal invasiveness of the Lipotherme body-shaping procedure makes this technique appealing for patients who are interested in reducing the downtime needed for full recovery. Additionally, the heat directed through the superficial skin and connective tissue through fiber-optics prompts tightening in the strands of collagen that run beneath the skin, accentuating results with firmness and suppleness.
Is Laser Liposuction for You?
We consult with a wide variety of men and women regarding their desire to look shapelier. Laser liposuction is not reserved only for larger areas such as the thighs, buttocks, or abdomen, although these are common regions treated. Patients may also consider the value of Lipotherme for the backs of the arms, the back, and for the elimination of that stubborn double-chin.
FDA-approved, Lipotherme is a preferred liposuction technique that we use to help our patients regain the contours they enjoyed in younger years. And for more information about the benefits of Lipotherme, contact Dr. Lalla today at 973-324-9455.