The Importance of being a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

The American Board of Plastic Surgery was established in 1937 to uphold ethical, safe, and efficacious plastic surgery. Here is why you should choose a plastic surgeon who is board certified in plastic surgery:

Board certification shows that the surgeon is qualified:

Even if a state medical board qualifies a surgeon, this does not guarantee they are certified and capable in the services they offer. There is a lot of profit to be had in the cosmetic surgery industry, and many physicians may arbitrarily add services to exploit this, whether or not they are qualified.

  1. Board certification demonstrates continuing education: To be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, a surgeon must complete six or more years of extra training after they graduate from medical school. Board certified surgeons could opt to pursue additional education to become qualified in other categories of plastic surgery. After they are certified, the surgeon will undergo comprehensive exams and regularly complete continuing education goals to keep their board certification. As the plastic surgery industry continues to expand and new technology is developed, continuing education is an invaluable component in making sure your surgeon is fully qualified to perform plastic surgery.
  2. Board certification shows that the surgeon upholds high standards: Part of the mission of the American Board of Plastic Surgery is to support a philosophy grounded in ethical and safe practices that protect the patient. Too many times the news has reported botched plastic surgeries where unsafe or unethical practices were followed. Your investment in pursuing plastic surgery should be a confident one because you know that the safest practices are being upheld. With a board certified surgeon, you can rest assured that the greatest effort is being made to ensure that the highest ethical standards are observed.

If your surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, they will likely make it very obvious on their website or about page. If you can’t find it there, call into the office and ask “Is this doctor board certified?” If you have questions about plastic surgery or if you want to schedule a consultation with board-certified Dr. Sanjay Lalla, contact us at 973-324-9455. We look forward to meeting with you and discussing your goals and concerns.
