Men and women who have concerns regarding the appearance of their neck may want to speak to Dr. Sanjay Lalla of West Orange, Jersey City, and Millburn, NJ areas to ask about surgical procedures such as the neck lift. A neck lift is an elective treatment that can be used to achieve a smoother, firmer neck and chin to address skin laxity and wrinkling that can occur naturally with age. Dr. Sanjay Lalla and his team provides this and other procedures for patients interested in facial or body surgeries.
What can be achieved with a neck lift?
While patients often think of facelifts, this procedure does not address sagging skin or wrinkling that may occur on the lower half of the face or along the jowls and jawline. A neck lift can help by addressing a sagging neck and make them look more youthful. Some patients even hear others ask if they have lost weight because of the change. By undergoing a neck lift, most patients can improve their appearance and restore balance with a more defined jawline that acts as a frame for the rest of the face. Patients can consult with Dr. Sanjay Lalla to express their specific concerns, whether it be a “turkey neck” or wrinkles developing along the chin area. Then our doctor can determine if patients can achieve their desired results with the neck lift procedure.
What about excess fat in the neck area?
In conjunction with a neck lift, patients may also ask about liposuction to address excess fat in the chin and neck area. This is medically known as “submental fullness,” though patients often refer to it as a “double chin.” By removing fat in the neck area and performing a neck lift at the same time, patients can greatly improve their appearance.
Are you a candidate for a neck lift?
Contact Dr. Sanjay Lalla by calling (973) 324-9455 to schedule an appointment. During a consultation visit, our team of providers will evaluate you to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for this or other facial plastic surgeries available in our state-of-the-art facility. We welcome new patients into our practice to learn about elective cosmetic procedures with a board-certified plastic surgeon.