Also called belt lipectomy, torsoplasty and panniculectomy, the circumferential body lift is performed to remove excess skin from the torso and upper legs. Candidates for body lifts typically suffer from loose (inelastic) skin on many or most areas of the body as a result of age, childbearing or significant weight loss due to diet, exercise or bariatric surgery. Because of this, the procedure is often combined with others such as breast lifts, arm lifts, and liposuction to retain a proper body proportion. Body lifts in West Orange tighten and tone the abdomen, back, buttocks, hips and thighs.

During the body sculpting procedure, skin is lifted from underlying tissue, muscles are tightened and stitched and fat is removed where necessary, and the skin is sutured closed. The navel is often removed and replaced in its new position. Surgical tubes may be needed for a few days to drain any fluid, and patients may need to wear compression garments for a few weeks to facilitate faster healing.

After surgery, patients are encouraged to walk as soon as they are able, although strenuous activities must be limited for about a month. Results are visible immediately.

Schedule Your Body Lift in West Orange Today

Assuming you maintain a consistent weight and a healthy lifestyle, you will enjoy the results of your body lift for many years! Schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sanjay Lalla today to see how you can qualify for a Body Lift in West Orange. Our team is ready to offer you best-in-class care and help you achieve your desired body! Call us now to get started!

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