Dr. Sanjay Lalla, northern New Jersey’s No.1 board-certified plastic surgeon, has successfully performed hundreds of cosmetic body sculpting procedures in New West Orange to help his patients achieve their ideal bodies. Using the latest modern technologies and techniques, Dr. Lalla’s procedures are quick, safe, and minimally invasive to reduce recovery times. We craft a plan for each patient to address concerns and find a cosmetic solution that meets your specific needs.

Choosing a Body Sculpting Procedure

Dr. Lalla’s considers your health, medical history, and cosmetic concerns before offering body sculpting procedures in West Orange. Depending on your concerns, we may recommend more than one procedure to achieve your goals. Men and women alike can experience a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance after body contouring.

Abdominoplasty removes excess fat and skin from the abdominal region. Since an abdominoplasty requires anesthesia, Dr. Lalla will discuss what type of anesthesia is most appropriate for you. Abdominoplasty is a major surgery and does require some recovery time.

As the body ages, the skin on the upper arms becomes loose, causing sagging or drooping. An arm lift (Brachioplasty) removes excess fat and skin from the under portion of the arms, resulting in a more toned look.

Body contouring is ideal for patients with excess skin remaining after massive weight loss. The extra skin can be heavy and uncomfortable. Dr. Lalla removes the extra hanging skin so patients can see their hard-earned weight-loss results

A body lift removes excess fat and skin. This includes the back and sides of the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.

A Brazilian Butt Lift involves the transfer of fat from an area of your body (abdomen, thighs, hips) to the buttocks. This natural-looking alternative to a regular implant gives you a rounded backside.

Buttock implants are for patients who want to enhance the shape of their buttocks. This cosmetic procedure uses silicone implants to provide a firm look and feel. Dr. Lalla works with you to determine a shape and size to best fit your desires.

Patients looking for minimally invasive fat removal typically respond well to CoolSculpting. This procedure is best for reducing fat reserves that are tough to remove through diet and exercise, such as muffin tops and back fat. Dr. Lalla uses CoolSculpting to precisely reduce the size of fat cells.

Women who have enlarged or uneven labia majora often opt for a labiaplasty. In this procedure, Dr. Lalla reshapes or reduces the size of the labia to improve the appearance and eliminate pain during sexual intercourse.

Laser liposuction uses lasers to liquefy fat cells in unwanted regions of the body. Dr. Lalla’s laser liposuction procedure also benefits patients by tightening the skin for firmer and smoother results.

Patients wishing to remove localized areas of fat on the body can benefit from Liposuction. Once considered major surgery, liposuction is now a minimally invasive procedure. With assistance from a guided laser and ultrasound, Dr. Lalla uses a small tube to suck out any unwanted fat reserves.

Dr. Sanjay Lalla uses Lipotherme to remove fat and tighten skin. As with traditional liposuction, Lipotherme can be used on areas of the body such as the waist, abdomen, back, hips, buttocks, knees, ankles, face, neck, and more. Recovery with Lipotherme is relatively quick, with most patients resuming normal activities the next day.

Dr. Lalla performs Mommy Makeover surgery to reverse the effects of pregnancy on women’s bodies. Breastfeeding, stretch marks, remaining fat, and loose skin may linger after pregnancies. Our Mommy Makeover reshapes and firms the breasts and abdomen.

Dr. Sanjay reshapes and sculpts the inner thighs by tightening the skin. Sometimes used in conjunction with a Brazilian Butt Lift, the thigh lift gives the patient a slim, toned, and proportionate look to the legs.

Is Body Sculpting a Good Choice for Me?

A person considering body sculpting in West Orange can get their questions answered in a free consultation with our team. Dr. Lalla will thoroughly evaluate your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and discuss your cosmetic concerns to determine what procedure will meet the intended goals.

The ideal candidate will have lost all the weight they intend to lose, and women should not plan to get pregnant in the future, which will significantly impact the results of any body sculpting option.

Candidates should also not smoke for several months before the surgery and, ideally, cease from using nicotine altogether. Tobacco usage significantly reduces collagen production and increases visible signs of aging.

How Much Does Body Sculpting Cost in West Orange?

Several factors impact the cost of the procedure. Cost is a significant factor since insurance companies rarely pay for cosmetic procedures, though they may pay for a portion when cosmetic correction impacts function. For example, an insurance company may pay for eyelid surgery when excess skin around the eyes affects a person’s ability to see. Please consult with us to discuss the cost of your procedure, and how you can utilize plastic surgery financing.

Build Your Dream Body With Dr. Sanjay Lalla’s Body Sculpting in West Orange

Body sculpting procedures in West Orange performed by Dr. Lalla include a preliminary consultation where we listen to your questions, concerns, and goals. Dr. Lalla will then discuss your options and help you make an informed decision. Our team will ensure you understand how to prep for surgery and post-operative recovery.

Build your dream body with Dr. Sanjay Lalla and the Personal Plastic Surgery team. Call us or fill out a contact form to schedule a consultation today!

Start Looking and Feeling Better

Whatever your desires, our friendly team will help you find the plastic surgery solution you are looking for! With over three decades of cosmetic surgery expertise, we combine medical excellence with personalized and compassionate care. Fill out the form below to discover a better and brighter you with Personal Plastic Surgery today!
